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Icon Alliance headtrip motorcycle helmet

Item code: 564402
Price 167.23 €
Out of stock
The model is withdrawn from the range, or discontinued. There will be no receipts of other sizes. If the size suits you, we recommend that you hurry up.
5 assessments
Brand: Icon
Brand country:

Restorations are a mixed blessing. Do not get us wrong – at first we thought to use the image of the Jaguar in the graphics of this model – but recently, increasingly faced with frightening lizard muzzles.

We decided to go the other way when working with the "Headtrip"sample. She (the helmet model) was never given a chance to prove herself in all her glory, sent to hell by an overzealous corporate purchasing machine, for the first time. Repainted, but it has not undergone significant changes - we again return it to the highway.

Don't think of it as a facelift. Think of it as tattooed eyeliner, only with acid (LSD) instead of ink.


  • It has been tested and meets all safety standards in the US, Japan, Europe, Australia
  • Body shell made of polycarbonate
  • Oval shape of the helmet-L (Long)
  • Tested and perfected in a wind tunnel
  • Double ventilation channel
  • The rear air outlet prevents the accumulation of warm air, thereby improving ventilation and increasing anti-fogging characteristics
  • Removable breath deflector reduces the possibility of fogging of the visor
  • Fully removable and washable inside
  • Quick-release visor
  • Prolock visor opening protection
Manufacturer Icon
Material текстиль
Gender мужской
Season летние
Motorcycle helmets
Type of clasp с D - образными кольцами
Type of helmet интеграл
Brand country США
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without days mon-sun 11: 00-21:00