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Dragonfly Evo Kids raincoat membrane suit children's yellow

Customer reviews
4 reviews
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  • in Санкт-Петербурга 31/05/2021, 23:46
    Bought a small one to go with him for mushrooms. Very convenient, the baby does not get wet and does not sweat and it is problematic to lose it , thanks to the bright color.
  • in Санкт-Петербурга 31/10/2019, 22:50
    Bought such a small. Of course without a motorcycle for Nehru. As would not've been running around and was freaking out nimera remains dry. The main thing is not to screw up the membrane and wash only with special means. Well, the knees elbows are affected.
  • in Москвы 10/10/2019, 9:30
    Grandson in such runs around. If you comply with the conditions of washing and periodically repair the raincoat will be small and will be transferred to the neighbor's boy for the purpose of donashivaniya and victory over overproduction.
  • in Москвы 30/09/2019, 9:42 Verified buyer
    Membrane raincoat thing necessary for any owner of an active baby. On a motorcycle him of course to do nothing to acquire for need to cherish favourite ditetku, but this raincoat will allow ignore virtually any weather conditions, importantly of well-pick up layers and be ready to the that membrane gradually budedt be replaced by rubber patchnkami. On the knees can be glued immediately.
Your assessment
without days mon-sun 11: 00-21:00