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Hyperlook Water Orchid Shoe Covers yellow

Customer reviews
3 reviews
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  • So-so
    in Москвы 16/07/2019, 23:15
    Today, after the rain, work as a pump, all the boats in the water for half soles.
    Because of the same halves of the same problem return toe on the footrest, after the gearbox or rear brake,
    clinging to the bandwagon this moronic sawn-off.
  • in Москвы 14/04/2019, 0:02
    Bought Shoe covers, drive around the city. Like the color. I think on dolnyak will approach from a light rain and from dirt on the road, but there is a suspicion that from a heavy rain will not save
  • in Москвы 30/04/2018, 23:54
    Satisfied with these Shoe covers, from the rain and dirt from under the wheels save wonderful! The rubber sole does not slip or slip! Practical bright colors to be more noticeable in the rain! I highly recommend to have these just in case! In addition, they are almost universal, you can pull on any Shoe size!
Your assessment
without days mon-sun 11: 00-21:00