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Icon Pursuit CE Stls Touchscreen motor gloves

Customer reviews
4 reviews
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  • in Санкт-Петербурга 14/06/2021, 17:36 Verified buyer
    Good quality gloves. What I expected, I got. Although it turned out to be somewhat larger than expected (other ICON gloves fit perfectly).
  • in Москвы 25/11/2020, 13:58
    Took these as the first. I thought, thought, and decided. Everything is quite satisfactory. I would certainly like to have a slider on the inside, but for now it will do. The only thing is that on the left hand, it seems, the threads on the fingers with a touch coating (for the phone) began to actively come out. I burned it with a lighter, but they still come out. For me, so high, though not genuine leather.
    Now I'm looking for a jacket and boots.
  • in Санкт-Петербурга 08/06/2020, 20:17
    Gloves are worth the money. Protection and quality of execution at the level. Production Vietnam, nothing sticking out, seams are smooth. Two fingers on each glove under the touch screen work perfectly!
  • Excellent
    in Омска 30/04/2020, 9:59 Verified buyer
    Bought these gloves early in the season 2020, using experience - a month in the beginning was uncomfortable, I think like most mathoperator, echoed quickly, about 2 weeks of constant use, after which all discomfort passed. About the material specified in the description for this product-Ax Suede Laredo on the Internet did not find anything special, it feels nice, nothing sticks to it, looks strong, I have not tried to wash, but I think that washing will take normally. I chose the size from the table - I was not mistaken. On the left glove there are threads sticking out in three places, you can see on the attached photo, this is not critical, but I would like nothing to stick out.
    Отзыв №8024 Отзыв №8024
Your assessment
Price 94.11 € behind steam
In stock a few Stock updated 13 minutes ago
  • Kantemirovskaya
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The model is withdrawn from the range, or discontinued. There will be no receipts of other sizes. If the size suits you, we recommend that you hurry up.
without days mon-sun 11: 00-21:00