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Moose M1 Protective Vest

Item code: 560296
Price 106.66 €
Out of stock
The model is withdrawn from the range, or discontinued. There will be no receipts of other sizes. If the size suits you, we recommend that you hurry up.
Brand: Moose Racing
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Moose M1 protective vest is made in bright stylish colors and consists of two shields covering the back and chest. The perforated surface provides good ventilation during riding. From the Central shield at the bottom depart small wings, which are designed to protect the ribs. The lower part and wings are hinged, so the shell does not hinder movements. Plastic inserts on the shoulders to protect the shoulders and collarbones. The protective vest is fixed on the sides by adjustable harnesses with locks on clasps. The inner lining is made of soft neoprene provides a comfortable fit and eliminates the possibility of rubbing. Thus, the protective vest Moose M1 for all its simplicity and lightness has a full set of functions for reliable protection and comfortable ride.

  • Classic armour for motocross Enduro;
  • Bright stylish design;
  • 2 main shields for back and chest protection;
  • Holes around the perimeter provide perfect ventilation;
  • Small wings to protect ribs;
  • Mounting on hinges at the bottom of;
  • Does not hinder movements;
  • Plastic inserts on the shoulders;
  • Adjustable straps on the clasps for a secure fit;
  • Soft neoprene inner lining;
  • Full set of functions for reliable protection and comfortable ride.
Manufacturer Moose Racing
Material текстиль
Season летние
Type of protection защитные жилеты
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