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Chain with lock Kryptonite Fahgettaboudit 1415 (14x150)

Customer reviews
3 reviews
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  • Excellent
    in Санкт-Петербурга 22/04/2018, 16:17
    Don't know what alloy this chain but, to eat this guy will be very difficult zloumyshlennika) the chain is hidden in his sleeve so as not to damage the paint of the bike, long enough, not only for the wheel but nrmu for greater reliability. take)
  • in Санкт-Петербурга 27/03/2018, 23:28
    Reliable chain, large links, sleeve so as not to damage the motorcycle. The length is enough not just to hook the wheel, but also through the fork to thread. Yes, this miracle weighs not a little, but it is a guarantee of safety. With this circuit the pole easier to eat. Definitely recommend
  • in Москвы 03/03/2018, 16:43
    Strong chain, use to fix the motorcycle to fixed objects in the Parking lot.
    Chain relatively other relatively the long (and a half dam), so on opportunities protseplyayu immediately and frame, and rear wheel, that the most effectively.
    Itself the chain inside the fabric sleeve does not scratch the bike if that.
    The lock seems secure as long as no incidents happen.
    Quite impressive, weighs under 7 kg, I have during trips stored in the rear top case.
Your assessment
without days mon-sun 11: 00-21:00