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Item code: 559807
Price 655.53 €
Status: Out of stock
Brand: AGV
Brand country:
Weight:1,4 kg

The AGV Corsa Tartaruga is an integral sports helmet designed to provide maximum head protection to a motorcycle racer. It is characterized by high strength, effective ventilation and good viewing angles.

It is also worth noting the unique colors of this model-colorful graphics "Tartaruga" on a black background will appeal to extraordinary riders and motorcyclists who want to stand out from the crowd.





  • The outer shell of Kevlar and carbon, created using SSL technology is incredibly durable and lightweight. It has a streamlined shape for better aerodynamics and is available in four sizes, allowing you to individually choose a helmet in accordance with the parameters of the rider.
  • Multichannel ventilation system IVS by adjusting the input air flow in the frontal and chin areas.
  • Interior cushions with Breathable Lycra lining. Easily pass air, do not cause allergies and irritation, have a special sanitary treatment and completely removed for washing.
  • Tinted Race 2 visor with wide viewing angles.
  • Xqrs rapid visor removal system.
  • Reliable fixation with 2D-rings clasp.
Material текстиль
Где купить «AGV CORSA TARTARUGA Helmet Black»
Moscow, ul. 5-I Cable 2
+7 (931) 105-07-97 11:00-21:00 ежедневно
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