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Fliteshield visor for Icon Airflite helmet gold mirror

Item code: 592196
Price 70.56 €
  • Kantemirovskaya
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16 assessments
Status: In stock enough Stock updated 2 hour ago
Brand: Icon
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The FliteShield visor with a wide viewing angle does not create optical illusions and is suitable for the Icon Airflite helmet.

This visor has AntiFog (anti-fog coating).

Manufacturer Icon
Color золотой
Material поликарбонат
Gender мужской, женский, унисекс
Season летние
Accessory type визоры
Model name Icon Airflite визор для мотошлема
Warranty period 30 дней
Brand country США
Где купить «Fliteshield visor for Icon Airflite helmet gold mirror»
Moscow, ul. 5-I Cable 2
+7 (931) 105-07-97 11:00-21:00 ежедневно
  • In stock enough Stock updated 2 hour ago
Customer reviews
11 reviews
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  • in Челси 23/10/2023, 0:16 Verified buyer
    Очень доволен, смотрится просто замечательно, затемнение в домашних условиях не заметно
    Отзыв №9863 Отзыв №9863 Отзыв №9863
  • in Лангепаса 26/12/2022, 13:44
    The visor is excellent rolled back 2 seasons. If you take care of it properly, there will be no scratches. Inside, I sometimes wiped gently with microfiber, the antifog coating did not wear off. It is better not to touch the visor at all. Wash under running water, you can use wet wipes (I peeled off the stuck midges, we have herds of them in the north, nothing was rubbed). So I recommend it to everyone. I will order gold again for the next season.
  • in Раменское 01/04/2021, 15:47
    purchased a gold visor. I am happy with the purchase, the delivery is fast, packed for 5+, and we also put a delicious candy. ?
  • in Воронежа 20/01/2021, 16:44 Verified buyer
    Icon visors have a very specific coating inside, which I lost during the season( perhaps the gloves that I put in the helmet are to blame), I had to order another visor, delivery is fast, packed perfectly!
    Отзыв №8710
  • 20/01/2021, 17:41
    Hello. Yes, to preserve the anti-fog coating, we do not recommend putting gloves in the helmet and wiping the visor from the inside with detergents and wipes. Wash only under running water with soapy hands and do not wipe dry with anything.
  • 20/01/2021, 18:25
    And what about the stains that will remain after drying?
  • 20/01/2021, 18:36
    After washing under a strong stream of water, shake off the visor and leave it to dry itself.
  • in Ульяновска 01/09/2020, 8:25 Verified buyer
    Excellent Visor review is wonderful, does not sweat. But when the sun is bright you need to lower your glasses
  • in Ижевска 01/04/2020, 18:49 Verified buyer
    The visor is excellent, moderately dark, protects from the sun, but sometimes you have to additionally get dark glasses. The face is not visible at all, at night it does not interfere with the view, does not sweat. You need to be very careful with the outer part that would not scratch the gold Coating, remove the dirt after wetting. Ordered complete with a helmet, sent quickly.
  • Good
    in Санкт-Петербурга 10/03/2020, 11:47 Verified buyer
    the visor is sooo cool, but this dusting is erased at once. I don't even know what hit me, but the whole visor is "scratched". I also misted up, although I don't think I should. I write all this about the visor that came with the helmet. Perhaps "purchased" of a different quality.
  • 10/03/2020, 13:18
    Hello. It is not recommended to wear gloves in the helmet, they can scratch the visor from the inside. As recommendations for the care of the visor, we recommend: wash the inside by wiping once with a soapy hand on the inside (do not RUB), rinse under running water, dry yourself, do not wipe the inside with anything. Following these recommendations, the visor will last 1-2 seasons depending on the intensity of use.
  • in Москвы 01/03/2020, 18:38
    A great color option . Moderately darkened. You can ride at night
  • in Санкт-Петербурга 31/10/2019, 22:53
    The perfect visor. First, it attracts attention. secondly perfectly protects from the sun and of course amazingly transparent, almost does not interfere with visibility
  • in Москвы 25/09/2019, 19:05
    This Golden visor is beautiful, and not only in shape and color . It has amazing transparency! On city in it can be touring even at night. Because of the shape, it almost does not fog up and is perfectly blown. Visor this I separately of course not bought, he is worth on my aiflite battlescar 2. Also have to add that it is completely worthy of holding the gravel flying from under the wheels of passing transport
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