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FliteShield visor for Icon Airflite helmet dark tinted

Item code: 592200
Price 57.81 €
21 assessment
Status: Out of stock
Brand: Icon
Brand country:

The Pinlock FliteShield visor for the Icon helmet with dark tinting has a high degree of resistance to bumps and scratches, tolerates bends. The model is made of flexible polycarbonate, which does not fog up due to a special coating.

The visor is suitable for motorcycle helmets of the Airflite line.

Manufacturer Icon
Color черный
Material поликарбонат
Gender мужской, женский, унисекс
Season летние
Accessory type визоры
Model name Icon Airflite визор для мотошлема
Warranty period 30 дней
Brand country США
Где купить «FliteShield visor for Icon Airflite helmet dark tinted»
Moscow, ul. 5-I Cable 2
+7 (931) 105-07-97 11:00-21:00 ежедневно
  • Out of stock
Customer reviews
16 reviews
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  • Good
    in Москвы 09/03/2024, 16:51
    Визор сел отлично,вид шлема изменился все нравится,но есть одно НО!есть легкое искажение вроде и не напрягает,а вроде и напрягает
  • in Еревана 08/05/2023, 13:11
    A good visor for sunny days, while everything is normally visible in it even at night in the city. In short, I recommend it, a good thing. Darkened not too much by the way, which is even a plus to this visor.
  • in Белгорода 05/04/2023, 21:03 Verified buyer
    Hello everyone. I bought two black visors for two different icon helmets, everything stood up clearly, everything came up. 👍🏍️❤️ I will contact you again.
  • in Минска 06/09/2021, 17:31
    Excellent visor, good visibility, just 10 out of 10
  • 01/05/2021, 13:25
    Although the icon helmet has built-in glasses, I still decided to take a dark visor. In this case, this is the darkest option. From the outside, the rider's face is extremely difficult to see and the appearance of the helmet changes dramatically. The photos below just show a comparison of a normal visor and a dark one. The visor absorbs light perfectly. At the same time, the overview is almost unchanged. My eyes immediately said thank you. I tried using the visor in the evening and in cloudy weather. Visibility is excellent. Probably now the transparent visor will rarely be used. Anti-fog coating works. There was a time when I had to physically work and because of this there was a fogging on the side. But it was enough to slightly open the helmet and everything was instantly gone. The main thing with such a coating is to remember the rules of operation and do not wipe the visor with all sorts of rags. Please note that this visor does not have a pinlock attachment and if you do not trust the anti-fog coating or you often fog up the visor, it is better to take the same visor, but with the appropriate fasteners.
    Отзыв №8911 Отзыв №8911 Отзыв №8911
  • 02/05/2021, 23:19
    Looks great with the new visor ?
  • in Санкт-Петербурга 31/12/2020, 22:01
    Great visor. The outside is less transparent than the inside, with some degree of pofigizma can be used in the city at night. Very resistant to mechanical damage, there is protection from fogging and ultraviolet light
  • in Астаны 22/12/2020, 20:59 Verified buyer
    On December 10 of this year, I ordered this visor. He arrived in the glorious city of Kostanay (Kazakhstan) on December 22, which in principle is not long. I took it, made a visor to my helmet, and went home to test it! The type of helmet changes of course. At the same time, visibility does not suffer in comparison with a standard visor. The dark visor gives a certain mystery to the rider. Only here our valiant road patrol bodies would not regard such a mystery and would not accept it as a tinting. With this visor, there is no need to use standard glasses in a helmet on a Sunny day. By the way, they give in to fogging when breathing at home, but the visor does not. In General, I am waiting for the season in order to test the helmet with a visor in conditions close to combat-both day and night. Although I assume that at night to use it on an unlit road is not reasonable and not safe. You will have to plan trips or carry a transparent visor in your backpack. Fortunately, the visors on the helmet are replaced in just a few simple movements. In the meantime, I'm going to have a Cup of tea with a bonus in the form of a chocolate bar! In General guys thank you for delivering a little happiness on a cold winter evening ;) Photos for comparison are attached.
    Отзыв №8655 Отзыв №8655
  • in Алмат 01/07/2020, 13:34 Verified buyer
    Super visor! Looks great with a helmet! Highly recommend to purchase!
  • So-so
    in Москвы 25/06/2020, 19:10
    A very weak shield. Have OpenControl inside just a month. Taking into account the cost of the visor, it will be very expensive to change it every month. I do not recommend buying.
    Отзыв №8299
  • 26/06/2020, 0:22
    Mikhail, there are a number of rules that the manufacturer recommends that the visor serve for a season or even a year and a half:
    1) don't ever wipe the visor from the inside, neither dry nor damp cloth, the inside is not plastic, and antifog coating that can be potiranie scratch..
    2) in the case of contamination wash way: water shield under warm running water, lather hands and a couple of times with his palm to wipe the visor from the inside, rinse with water, shake and allow to dry, do not wipe the inside (!), the water should dry up itself.

    Adhering to these rules, the visor will serve for more than 1 season.
  • in Тюмени 10/06/2020, 21:58
    The visor is excellent, what we originally wanted, but got the second time, compared to light smoke, this visor looks better, although it still shines through in daylight. Visibility is good, despite the fact that the darkened and anti-fog coating works ? ? I recommend it!
    Отзыв №8275 Отзыв №8275
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