For example,  holder for smartphone
For example,  holder for smartphone
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Phone Holder with Wireless Charging and Anti-shock for Motorcycle

Item code: 593883
Price 28.39 €
4 assessments
Status: Out of stock
Brand: MOSU
Brand country:

Universal holder with wireless phone charging function with anti-shock function (rubber damper dampens vibrations transmitted to the phone). Compatible with 4.5-7 inch phones that support wireless charging. The lower and side latches are pushed apart to install the phone in any diagonal. The retainers have a tightening function on the thread for a firm fit of the phone. Rubber gaskets between the holder and the phone to prevent slipping and damage to the back of the phone from vibration. Two mounting options: on the steering wheel and in any bolted connection, for example, on a mirror. There is a fuse for protection.


Manufacturer MOSU
Color черный
Warranty period 30 дней
Где купить «Phone Holder with Wireless Charging and Anti-shock for Motorcycle»
Moscow, ul. 5-I Cable 2
+7 (931) 105-07-97 11:00-21:00 ежедневно
  • Out of stock
Customer reviews
1 review
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  • in Санкт-Петербурга 10/07/2022, 13:30 Verified buyer
    I have already bought a lot of all sorts of different frames in an attempt to adapt it to the same place where the crooked-armed Japanese who previously owned my motorcycle screwed the navigator mount on the screws. Navigator, Carl! In a country formerly known for its consumer electronics.
    This one didn't fit either, but in general it's not his fault. Quite high-quality, but instead of a USB port under the rubber band marked with the USB symbol, not USB, but a wireless charging switch
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without days mon-sun 11: 00-21:00