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Maxima Clear Synthetic Chain Guard Large Chain Lubrication

Item code: 594340
Price 24.03 €
Status: Out of stock
Brand: Maxima
Brand country:

The fully synthetic chain lubricant is designed for all conditions (dry and wet). The unique formula, reinforced with esters, penetrates deeply and confidently attaches to the surface, does not come off when the mechanism is working, leaving it always lubricated. Synthetic Chain Guard is also equipped with world-class additives that prevent the formation of corrosion, reduce the noise of the chain, its stretching and wear.

  • Suitable for all types of chain rings (O, X, Z)
  • Applicable in all conditions, both dry and wet
  • Does not come off the surface, providing constant protection
  • It has a dense film that reduces the noise of the mechanism
  • Advanced chemical additives reduce friction and corrosion formation
  • Extends service life by reducing stretching and wear
Season всесезонный
Warranty period 1 год
Где купить «Maxima Clear Synthetic Chain Guard Large Chain Lubrication»
Moscow, ul. 5-I Cable 2
+7 (931) 105-07-97 11:00-21:00 ежедневно
  • Out of stock
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