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Knee protection Icon D3O LP2

Item code: 593160
Price 54.20 €
7 assessments
Status: Out of stock
Brand: Icon
Brand country:

Knee protection D3O LP2 is created with innovative materials that increase the service life, provide excellent shock absorption, leaving D3O knee pad thin and lightweight. Air permeability improved by 45 % due to the new ventilation configuration.

Safety certificate: EN 1621-1: 2012, level 2, T -, T+

Manufacturer Icon
Color оранжевый
Material D3O
Gender мужской, женский, унисекс
Season летние
Built-in protection колени и бедра
The material of the protective elements D3O
Type of protection защитные вставки
Warranty period 30 дней
Brand country США
Где купить «Knee protection Icon D3O LP2»
Moscow, ul. 5-I Cable 2
+7 (931) 105-07-97 11:00-21:00 ежедневно
  • Out of stock
Customer reviews
10 reviews
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  • in Москвы 30/06/2021, 22:56
    Excellent protection, although almost twice as thick as analogues from sastek. But in sastek there are no these wonderful holes that allow your knee to melt in the heat, which is somehow strange this summer.
  • 12/06/2021, 13:27 Verified buyer
    Thank you to the store for its efficiency! Special thanks for the candy in the package with the product! Excellent lightweight knee protection insert. In moto jeans from hyperlook came as a native.
  • in Москвы 30/04/2021, 7:13
    I bought this protection in the winter
    I will not talk about the advantages of the D3O, it is better to talk about the disadvantages - this is its thickness! If you want your jeans to look like civilians when you get off the moto, then this is not about this protection. It is ruffled and visible on almost any jeans and trousers. Despite the initial softness and pliability of the material, with such a thickness, the inserts are seriously felt on the leg and slightly restrict movement. According to the consultants, with twice the thickness, the protection is only 15% more effective than the first level.
  • in Санкт-Петербурга 13/04/2021, 16:25
    The inserts look very solid, well made. It feels heavier than the most famous "yellow" inserts and an order of magnitude thicker. I haven't checked in falls, but it seems to inspire more confidence in safety. I will replace the inserts in the jacket with the same company.
  • in Санкт-Петербурга 13/04/2021, 16:24
    The inserts look very solid, well made. It feels heavier than the most famous "yellow" inserts and an order of magnitude thicker. I haven't checked in falls, but it seems to inspire more confidence in safety. I will replace the inserts in the jacket with the same company.
  • in Москвы 25/05/2020, 14:57
    How big is this protection? Length/width.
  • in Караганды 30/04/2020, 21:36
    excellent protection, good quality, not heavy, you need to protect your knees, because there are such inserts for jeans
  • 14/04/2020, 20:18 Verified buyer
    Insanely interesting material. The knee pads themselves are high-quality, icon still.
  • in Санкт-Петербурга 31/10/2019, 22:51
    If you wear motorini or motoscan is going to replace the included protection that is typically the 1st level on this or similar. Safety should be safe.
  • in Санкт-Петербурга 30/09/2019, 21:54
    My jeans was samila 2nd level, but she was neither D30 nor SAS tech. Just a high-impact polymer that was not very comfortable to say the least. It's heaven and earth. Chip protection of kinetic material is that it is soft as a gel in a calm state and hard as wood when overloaded.
Your assessment
without days mon-sun 11: 00-21:00