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Review about the Icon Hypersport pants, leather №5681

Icon Hypersport pants, leather
216.27 €
I'd say I'm skinny, and these pants fit me perfectly. They are not tight and do not restrict movement. I wear them with cowboy boots. Knee pad adjustment is a great feature. What is most important-the knee protection is in place and at the same time not in contact with my boots, which are almost knee-high. Until now, these pants kept me warm in the cool weather in the spring, and I was not hot in them on warmer days in the summer. These pants fit perfectly in both the leather style of the HD and the style of the sport bike. It seems that they will protect me in the fall. I really like their high fit on the back as well as the Velcro straps to tighten at the waist.
without days mon-sun 11: 00-21:00