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AGV AX-8 Dual EVO titanium grey motorcycle helmet

Customer reviews
4 reviews
Leave a review
  • in Симферополя 03/08/2019, 0:56
    Very comfortable helmet, legenkiy the that need to. It doesn't give you a headache.
  • in Москвы 07/05/2019, 14:43
    What the visor to get used to, I had dashed off a few thousand, the language of the wound. The visor is removed.
  • in Падуи 20/01/2018, 13:45
    Amazing helmet. Before that was Icon Variant (also a good helmet). The only note: it seems that the lower part of the helmet (mouth area) is located too close to the face. It'll take time to get used to it.
  • Excellent
    in Падуи 08/08/2017, 15:03
    In this helmet, I have already rolled several thousand kilometers, both in the city and on long trips. I think the helmet is very comfortable. If you are using a headset in a helmet, then you will have to change the ear area a little, because even for the smallest speakers there is not enough space. I was drawn to the helmet by its wide viewing angle. You need to get used to the visor, because at high speed the head is slightly raised. The helmet is good, but these small flaws do not make it perfect.
Your assessment
without days mon-sun 11: 00-21:00