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Five RFX Flower New motor gloves women's leather

Customer reviews
3 reviews
Leave a review
  • in Севастополя 19/11/2018, 0:07
    Gloves are leather, durable, dense, for 2 years I ride-perfect-nothing has dispersed, not stretched, sit like poured
  • in Москвы 16/04/2018, 18:11
    Lightweight gloves with good protection and not too hot! Really like how a lot of protective elements on them! Very comfortable, well tailored, with strong seams! I bought myself these gloves under a jacket of a similar color, though from different manufacturers and not a set as such, but they look very cool together: 3
  • in Москвы 17/02/2015, 10:04
    Gloves bought for her daughter, very beautiful, high quality, comfortable. Liked the courier service, also thank you for bringing a few pairs and allowed to pick up the size. Happy with everything))
Your assessment
Price 108.74 € behind steam
Out of stock
The model is withdrawn from the range, or discontinued. There will be no receipts of other sizes. If the size suits you, we recommend that you hurry up.
without days mon-sun 11: 00-21:00