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Shoei NXR Isomorph TC-2 Helmet

Item code: 557387
Price 564.40 €
Status: Out of stock
Brand: Shoei
Brand country:
Weight:1,4 kg
 "Ideal in simplicity" this idea, praised by the great creators of the Renaissance, was taken as a basis by Shoei specialists to develop a new model of the integral. Years of experience and long work of engineers, designers and testers Shoei crowned helmet model Shoei NXR. And now You have the owner of perfection. 
Evening comes, it's time to be free. No gadgets, annoying sounds, everyday work and family problems, just You, the bike and the endless road…



  • Outer multilayer shell made of a combination of organic and multicomposite fibers for elastic shock-resistant construction of optimal rigidity
  • The inner shell of fine-grained polystyrene foam with areas of different densities to absorb shock waves
  • E. Q. R. S. (Emergency Quick system Release) collar and inner cushion removal system to facilitate helmet removal in the event of an accident 
  • Removable inner pillows for washing
  • Four ventilation holes in the forehead and chin area guarantee optimal fresh air flow and six holes in the occipital part to ensure circulation of flows inside the helmet
  • A spoiler is integrated into the occipital part to ensure aerodynamic stability of the helmet at high speeds
  • 3D ear pads for noise reduction
  • Universally recognized secure d-ring attachment  
  • Nine different variations of CWR-1 visors
  • Included chin blind and deflector-breathing compartment for additional comfort of the pilot
  • Four outer body sizes: XXS - S, M, L, XL-XXL
Material текстиль
Где купить «Shoei NXR Isomorph TC-2 Helmet»
Moscow, ul. 5-I Cable 2
+7 (931) 105-07-97 11:00-21:00 ежедневно
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