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Dragonfly winter Balaclava 1

Item code: 593304
Price 13.12 €
2 assessments
Status: Out of stock
Brand: DragonFly
Brand country:
Manufacturer Dragonfly
Material текстиль
Gender мужской, женский, унисекс
Season зимние
Care instructions Ручная стирка (кроме кожи), специализированная химчистка, подробная инструкция на этикетке.
Warranty period 30 дней
Brand country Россия
Где купить «Dragonfly winter Balaclava 1»
Moscow, ul. 5-I Cable 2
+7 (931) 105-07-97 11:00-21:00 ежедневно
  • Out of stock
Customer reviews
1 review
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  • Excellent
    in Москвы 31/05/2021, 21:42
    The balaclava is not bad, but the shirt front does not save - at -25, the neck still sticks and you need a scarf, which is exactly hard to order on the fabric. The cap also strives to fly off... this balaclava is suitable only when using a helmet.
Your assessment
without days mon-sun 11: 00-21:00