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Icon Motorhead 2 green motorcycle jacket

Customer reviews
3 reviews
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  • in Москвы 14/04/2018, 2:13
    Tried on in your store in black, sits perfectly and very comfortable!) Ordered green, waiting for your size)
  • Excellent
    in Падуи 30/08/2017, 14:14
    The only downside to this jacket is the elbows. Because of the protection of the elbows, it is impossible to bend the arms at the elbows, I have a desire to remove it. Everything else is at a high level: pockets; quality leather and zippers; jacket cool by day and warm at night.
  • in Падуи 14/02/2017, 12:13
    A fantastic jacket. It still needs to be carried, but the quality, number of pockets and ventilation are amazing. When I fill my pockets, I still have plenty of space under my jacket. I had the first version of this model of motorcycle jacket and there I did not have enough outer pockets, in the second version they appeared. I also fell in motorhead 1 and flew about 50 meters, so that the protective properties of both jackets can not doubt.
Your assessment
Price 356.24 €
Out of stock
The model is withdrawn from the range, or discontinued. There will be no receipts of other sizes. If the size suits you, we recommend that you hurry up.
without days mon-sun 11: 00-21:00