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Icon Airflite Raceflite motorcycle helmet red

Item code: 593392
The model is withdrawn from the range, or discontinued. There will be no receipts of other sizes. If the size suits you, we recommend that you hurry up.
1 assessment
Brand: Icon
Brand country:
Features солнечные очки

Accelerate your beast to the maximum speed so that all the muscles are cramped. The Airflite Raceflite helmet is a real "poet of gasoline" and "prophet of speed", requiring your presence at the next rendezvous in the red zone of the tachometer. Will you answer the invitation? Will you carry the high-octane truth through the streets?


  • Durable molded polycarbonate shell
  • Transparent fliteshield visor
  • Internal sun visor DropShield
  • Ventilation: 4 air intakes, chin vent, 2 exhaust ports
  • Removable breath deflector
  • Removable lining made of quick-drying Hydradry material
  • Meets or exceeds the following global safety standards: DOT FMVSS 218 (USA), ECE 22-05 (Europe) and PSC (Japan).

Note: fliteshield tinted visor sold separately

Примечание для покупателей:

Визор (забрало) идущий в комплекте с мотошлемом или приобретаемый отдельно – это специальный защитный элемент мотошлема со сложным химическим составом, способствующим безопасности и комфорту во время движения на мотоцикле. Заводская пленка, в которую он упакован, защищает поверхность визора от повреждений при его транспортировке и хранении до начала эксплуатации, сохраняя надлежащий его товарный вид и потребительские свойства. Не рекомендуется снимать или повреждать заводскую пленку визора мотошлема до принятия уверенного решения о его приобретении. Заводская упаковка – составляющая первоначального вида.

Инструкция по уходу за визором: смочить микрофибру в теплой воде, накрыть визор, через 3 минуты аккуратно смыть под струей воды и оставить высыхать. При необходимости протереть рукой с мыльным раствором и смыть под струей воды. На внутреннюю сторону визора не наносить очищающие средства и не протирать, во избежании повреждения антифог покрытия. Допускает использование специальных чистящих средств, не нарушающих покрытие визора, только на внешней стороне. Перед применением проверяйте средство на незначительном участке поверхности. Магазин не несет ответственности за применение химических средств.

Цвет товара может незначительно отличаться т.к. фотосъемка изделия выполнена в студийных условиях при специальном освещении. Производитель может незначительно менять оттенок или незначительные элементы дизайна на свое усмотрение в зависимости от партии без предварительного уведомления.

В целях обеспечения гигиены шлем можно примерять только в подшлемнике. Это касается примерки при доставке и в магазине. Возьмите с собой подшлемник или приобретите в магазине по специальной цене. Одноразовые шапочки не закрывают всю площадь лица, поэтому мы их не используем.

Manufacturer Icon
Color белый, красный, серый, черный
Material поликарбонат
Gender мужской, женский, унисекс
Season летние
Certification standard ECE 22-05 (Европа)
Features солнечные очки
Model name Icon Airflite мотошлем
Motorcycle helmets
Type of clasp с D - образными кольцами
Helmet Weight 1690
The number of cases in the model 3
Helmet Interior HydraDry гипоаллергенный быстросохнущий съемный
Number of ventilation ports 6
Chin blind included да
Care instructions Ручная стирка (кроме кожи), специализированная химчистка, подробная инструкция на этикетке.
Warranty period 30 дней
Brand country США
Customer reviews
2 reviews
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  • 30/04/2021, 12:16 Verified buyer
    I chose a helmet for a long time and decided on this model. In order not to make a mistake with the size, I came to the store, where I was very helped to decide. There was no helmet with the right color scheme and I had to order it. Less than a month later, the helmet arrived and I calmly took it away. The size of the helmet is the same, by the way. On the Internet, they write that the helmet is too narrow, but this rather applies to the lower part. That is, the helmet will cover the neck tightly and when dressing someone it will cause discomfort. With a balaclava, he dresses without problems. The interior decoration is as comfortable as possible, you don't even want to wear a balaclava. Fortunately, I immediately bought a good brubeck balaclava in the same store and was doubly satisfied. All internal parts are removable and this is extremely important in order to maintain the helmet in good condition. I took it off, washed it, and put it back on. Of course, there is a place for the headset and the outputs. Those who wear glasses with a helmet will also not be left out. The helmet is stuffed as much as possible. The built-in sunglasses are super, although I immediately bought a second visor (dark) for sunny weather. The visor almost does not fog up, but you still need to check it properly in the appropriate weather. Replacing the visor is as quick and easy as possible. No screwdrivers or anything like that. Everything is done by hand and at the same time does not play anything. The visor is fixed in different positions. The ventilation in the helmet is excellent and it is adjustable. The audibility in the helmet is average, but I needed it. I don't like driving in a complete vacuum. If we are talking about the sound, then we must also say that the helmet is assembled very well. There are no cheap crunches. That is, you put it on and you understand what you paid for. Still, it is important that the helmet does not irritate or distract with any extraneous noises. It doesn't even make sense to talk about the appearance of the helmet. He's just gorgeous. In real life, the helmet looks exactly the same as in the picture. For me, the review was an important factor, since I mostly drive around the city and here I was very pleased with the helmet. The visor is as large as possible and allows you to cover a large space with your eyes. It is even somewhat unusual for an integral to have such a good overview. I tried to find some significant disadvantages so that the review was objective, but they are not in fact there. Perhaps it would be possible to indicate the weight of the helmet, but for me personally this is not a problem, besides there are lighter models, but they are noticeably more expensive. I also noticed that the strap is not long at all. It's just that some people don't fully untie the dd clasp and remove the helmet. That's where a shorter strap can create a problem. But this is more of a minor quibble. And yes, the clasp of 2 rings is the best that was invented. Maximum comfort and reliability. I have indicated the key points, but of course this is not all. If you still have doubts about the helmet and think that its price is due only to the appearance, then I will say that this is not so. The quality is above all praise. This helmet is really nice to wear and you do not have a problem to leave without it.
    Отзыв №8909 Отзыв №8909 Отзыв №8909 Отзыв №8909 Отзыв №8909 Отзыв №8909
  • in Караганды 07/12/2020, 12:03 Verified buyer
    Since the purchase of the motorcycle, I have been thinking about buying a helmet. The existing helmet was a gift from the previous owner of the motorcycle, but it is too big for me. I am a first-season player (and even then not a full season), so it was difficult to decide on a helmet and I have no experience in selecting them at all. After looking at the reviews (including video responses) that are positive (most) so negative, after reading the information about this brand, I decided to stop at the choice of this helmet. Of course, I was attracted by the design and color scheme, which, let's say, correlates with my motorcycle jacket. I think the helmet is more suitable for city driving, which suits me. Since I had no experience in buying a helmet, I found a dimension table on the site and measured my size. As it turned out, the size is 56, which corresponds to the letter S in the dimension table. I decided to buy, despite the fact that I know that such things are purely individual and first you need to try on and wear for a while, well, in order to understand yours or not. Alas, I had to take a risk, because in my city there are simply no such brands, and it costs a lot of money. In General, I ordered 25.11.2020. We must pay tribute to the team of Moto-Packed and sent via CDEK on the same day. We sent the invoice number for tracking. Thanks! The helmet arrived in my city (Kostanay, Kazakhstan) on 04.11.2020, i.e. within 10 days. I also thank the guys from CDEK for their work, the helmet arrived safely. The next morning I picked it up and tried it on. Again, since I'm still a deliter in the field of equipment purchases, it was hard for me to put on a new helmet "without such a mother". He wraps his ears great when dressing and this is despite the fact that I wear it with a Balaclava (Balaclava). So I got used to it for my small season - I don't wear a helmet without a Balaclava. The ears had to podlesice and spread with a ruler :) It sits tightly on the head, does not hang up and down, presses the cheeks, everything functions and is perfectly fixed (deflectors on the air ducts, glasses, etc.). the First day I was able to carry it for 30 minutes with a Balaclava, because I began to press on the front of the temples. I don't know if it should be like this!? On the second day, I put it on and carried it for one hour and 5 minutes. I also felt pressure on the front of my temples. Otherwise, I don't feel any discomfort. I believe that the helmet is new and should take the shape of a head over time. I will hope that this will actually happen, well, for example with new shoes. By the way, remove the helmet, it is also necessary to prilovchitsya, because the ears also suffer. Otherwise, there is nothing to report yet, since it is not the season and there is no opportunity to ride in it.
    Комментарий №8637
  • 07/12/2020, 18:12
    Thank you for your feedback! Keep in mind that the helmet is carried by half the size. You have a 2-week warranty for return and exchange if there are labels and product type.
  • 07/12/2020, 19:31
    Thank you for commenting on the review and reminding me about the possibility of a refund, BUT I have no intention of returning it. On the contrary, over time, plans to buy an accessory to the helmet in the form of a darkened visor. And in the review, I described, of course, my subjective feelings as a person who first bought and tried on a new helmet. By the way, the feeling of wearing a helmet today (the third day) is not so acute. I mean the pressure on the whiskey. And my ears are already used to it:)). So everything is normal ;) And thank you for the tea bar!
Your assessment
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