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The Spark Plug Girl Decal Set

Item code: 559749
Price 7.26 €
Status: Out of stock
Brand: Lethal Threat
Brand country:

For true connoisseurs of motorcycles and stylized images of the fair sex created a set of quality stickers SPARK PLUG GIRL SET . The kit supplied SPARK PLUG GIRL SET on a common sheet (6x8 inches) and is made of wear-resistant material that allows for a long time not to lose the appearance and maintain the color graphics in all weather conditions.

SPARK PLUG GIRL SET stickers are applied easy enough to any surface without seams and joints, after which the bike will be truly unique, emphasizing the style of the owner.

Manufacturer Lethal Threat
Material текстиль
Type of sticker наклейки на мотоцикл
Где купить «The Spark Plug Girl Decal Set»
Moscow, ul. 5-I Cable 2
+7 (931) 105-07-97 11:00-21:00 ежедневно
  • Out of stock
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