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Thor Sentry Elbow Pads Black

Customer reviews
6 reviews
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  • in Караганды 30/04/2020, 10:09
    excellent knee pads, suitable for both men and women. comfortable, Movements do not constrain, it is very convenient that there are no Velcro straps, since they wear out over time, but there is no, it is also convenient that you can wear them under jeans, I recommend buying
  • 31/10/2019, 23:25
    Ideal elbow pads for girls and not large men. I bought my wife happy.
  • in Москвы 11/09/2019, 2:11 Verified buyer
    Sitting is OK, comfortable
    While they did not fall, but tomorrow on the court will try
  • in Москвы 25/07/2019, 5:46
    Clear elbows for a clear kid. Doubted with the size, the Manager on the phone helped to choose the right one. Sit firmly.
  • in Москвы 30/04/2018, 23:54
    Excellent inexpensive elbow pads! Protect nevertheless on cheers, couple of times helped! Ventilated well, they are not hot and comfortable! Light and fasten securely, do not turn! Velcro comfortable! :)
  • in Москвы 30/04/2018, 16:25
    Thor as always on top quality material comfortable anatomical shape gives these elbow pads are only advantages. Moderately tight fit on the hands gives mobility to the joints and does not hinder movement. Good protection for the city in it you can be sure of your safety.
Your assessment
Price 39.23 € behind steam
Out of stock
without days mon-sun 11: 00-21:00